Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus

Six Daily Schedule Strategies for ADHD Minds

Six Daily Schedule Strategies for ADHD Minds

  Many adults diagnosed with ADHD and executive functioning challenges have a love-hate relationship with schedules. On the one...

Leslie headshot

By Leslie Josel

From Struggle to Strength: Understanding Dyslexia Together

From Struggle to Strength: Understanding Dyslexia Together

  As I sat at the kitchen table, going through flashcards with my son for what felt like the hundredth time, worry washed over ...

Meghan Volk headshot

By Meghan Volk

How to Use a Visual Timer to Help Your Child With Transitions

How to Use a Visual Timer to Help Your Child With Transitions

As a pediatric occupational therapist and mom of two, I have seen just how powerful using a timer can be with children of SO ma...

Jessica Headshot

By Jessica Rapp Irwin

Embracing ADHD in the Professional World: You Are Not Alone

Embracing ADHD in the Professional World: You Are Not Alone

  Alright, let’s get real for a second. As an ADHD coach working with professionals, I hear the same struggles over and over. T...

Bri Headshot

By Bri Plyler

Where Does the Time Go? ADHD and Time Blindness

Where Does the Time Go? ADHD and Time Blindness

Time management is crucial for success and productivity.   However, individuals with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (...

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By Time Timer

Supporting "Pandemic Children" in the Classroom: The Role of Visual Timers in Self-Regulation

Supporting "Pandemic Children" in the Classroom: The Role of Visual Timers in Self-Regulation

Support children born during the pandemic in the classroom with visual timers. Explore how Time Timer helps these "pandemic chi...

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By Time Timer