Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "special needs"

Unlocking Productivity & Fun:  How Visual Timers Can Bring Ease and Levity to Daily Life With ADHD

Unlocking Productivity & Fun:  How Visual Timers Can Bring Ease and Levity to Daily Life With ADHD

The ADHD brain is wired for interest, not importance, but unfortunately, we all have to do things in life that we might not be ...

Lindsay Binette headshot

By Lindsay Binette

10 Ways Time Timer Can Be Used in OCD Treatment

10 Ways Time Timer Can Be Used in OCD Treatment

Seeking effective OCD treatment strategies? On today's blog post Dr. Langham shares 10 ways that Time Timer can be used to supp...

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By Dr. Langham

Autistic and Neurodivergent-Friendly Mindfulness Practices

Autistic and Neurodivergent-Friendly Mindfulness Practices

For autistic and neurodivergent individuals, stress, anxiety, sensory overwhelm, and difficulties with focus and sleep are comm...

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By Jodie Martin

Creating Consistency in Every Environment with Time Timer

Creating Consistency in Every Environment with Time Timer

For students with disabilities, consistency is key. Using the same tools and strategies at school, home, and in the community c...

Catherine Witcher headshot

By Catherine Whitcher

The Importance of Assistive Technology

The Importance of Assistive Technology

There is an ethical imperative that, as technology progresses, that it be available for individuals of all abilities. Time Time...

Red timer

By Time Timer

Dyscalculia and Trouble with Time Banner

Dyscalculia and Trouble with Time

Today we have a guest blog post from Laura M. Jackson. Laura is a mom and author of a new book, Discovering Dyscalculia. She sh...

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By Laura M. Jackson