Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "Back to School"

Color-Coded Time Management for the Win: Classroom Edition

Color-Coded Time Management for the Win: Classroom Edition

Color-coding your classroom can be an excellent way of keeping the kids organized and focused on a variety of daily classroom t...

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By Time Timer

Teacher-to-Teacher: 4 Easy Ways to Leverage a Classroom Timer

Teacher-to-Teacher: 4 Easy Ways to Leverage a Classroom Timer

Classroom timers can be a powerful tool, but what’s the best way to leverage them? One high school teacher and department chair...

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By Time Timer

Personal Project Planner for Free Inquiry Learning

Personal Project Planner for Free Inquiry Learning

During the first year in a new district, I was writing curriculum for CAD, Industrial Arts, and Spanish. From this, I created t...

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By Matthew Barbercheck

Time Timer for Testing: Less Stressful, More Successful!

Time Timer for Testing: Less Stressful, More Successful!

As the end of the school year approaches, many schools have end-of-the-year testing and standardized exams. The Time Timer is a...

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By Time Timer