Student Guest Post | Why I like Time Timer by Cammy Rogers

Student Guest Post | Why I like Time Timer by Cammy Rogers

For the month of May we are letting students take over the blog! This week's is written by Cammy Rogers, a 10 year old, fourth grader in Cincinnati, Ohio.  We love her simplicity and the creative uses for the Time Timer. Cammy submitted a hand-written blog, shown below, which we also love. 

By Cammy Rogers

Time Timer Student Blog Cammy Rogers

I like Time Timer because it tells me how long to read, watch tv, or how long I have to do my homework before taking a break. Also, my teacher uses it to show fractions, and she uses it to show how long we have on a test. Time Timer makes it easier to understand.



Cammy's cat, Oreo, pictured with the Time Timer.

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