Student Guest Post | Time Timer; How it Has Affected My Life by Nara Chen

Student Guest Post | Time Timer; How it Has Affected My Life by Nara Chen

For the month of May we are letting students take over the blog! Our first blog post this month is brought to you by Nara Chen. Nara is a passionate and incredibly talented, almost-12 year old. She attends Open Window School in Washington state, writes her own blog, and has been using the Time Timer (both at home and at school) for most of her life. This is her story.

Nara Chen - About Me

I am almost twelve (20 days away!) and currently attend middle school at Open Window School in Washington. My dream has always been to own a horse. I now half-lease a beautiful 16-hand dark bay horse named Mondo. He is a curious and gentle giant who loves to have his face brushed.

Time Timer Student Guest Blogger Nara Chen Finn Funny

On my blog, Equus Caballus, I have articles, persuasive essays, and poems about nature, my hobbies, and current events, such as March for Our Lives. I'm currently working on an article named Seattle is Dying. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Fun facts:

  • I am obsessed with Nikes
  • I am a trained Hunter rider, but I have a jumper horse
  • But that’s not true… he’s a dressage, cross-country, evening, racehorse, and jumper, and a carrot-stealer 🙄
  • I have a fluffy sheepdog and poodle mix dog

Finn Funny Nara Chen Student Guest Blogger for Time Timer


Time Timer; How it Has Affected My Life

When I returned to the United States in second grade, the amount of homework was a struggle for me. My teacher used a Time Timer clock in the classroom to let us have a visual sense of how long we had until a certain activity ended. It made me feel more comfortable knowing the amount of time left and gave me a visual cue what I could do during that time. I quickly learned the skill of time-management, following my Time Timer’s clock and alarms. Soon after, my mom bought me two Time Timer watches that I heavily relied on throughout my elementary school years. In fourth grade, homework became heavier again and I used my Time Timer watch to set alarms to go to bed, wake up, and to move on to my next homework assignment. Also, during that time, I started to compete in horse shows. I used Time Timer to time-manage during the show. Learning time-management with the help of Time Timer has benefited my homework and balancing my school and personal life time.

Read Nara's original post on her blog here.

In honor of May being Teacher Appreciation Month, Nara also submitted her own shout out - way to go Mr. Gulotta!

Teacher Appreciation Month Dan Gulotta Shout Out

You can also see this on her blog here.

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