Time Timer® News | Insights on Time Management Productivity & Focus — Tagged "ADHD awareness month"

Where Does the Time Go? ADHD and Time Blindness

Where Does the Time Go? ADHD and Time Blindness

Time management is crucial for success and productivity.   However, individuals with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (...

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By Time Timer

Maybe It’s Not About the Timer

Maybe It’s Not About the Timer

Maybe It’s Not About the Timer By ADHD Parent Coach & Teacher Educator, Cindy Goldrich, Ed. M., ADHD-CCSP   You’ve invested...

By Cindy Goldrich

Reduce Transition Trouble with Time Timer Visual Timers

Reduce Transition Trouble with Time Timer Visual Timers

Franki is an educator, mental health therapist, disability inclusion advocate, speaker, and author. She shares her favorite str...

Franki headshot

By Franki Bagdade

Executive Dysfunction and How Time Timer Can Support

Executive Dysfunction and How Time Timer Can Support

Learn about executive function, signs of executive function, and how to support executive function with processes, practices, ...

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By Time Timer

Unlocking Productivity & Fun:  How Visual Timers Can Bring Ease and Levity to Daily Life With ADHD

Unlocking Productivity & Fun:  How Visual Timers Can Bring Ease and Levity to Daily Life With ADHD

The ADHD brain is wired for interest, not importance, but unfortunately, we all have to do things in life that we might not be ...

Lindsay Binette headshot

By Lindsay Binette

Making Transitions Fun With Time Timer

Making Transitions Fun With Time Timer

How do your kids handle it when you say that screen time is over? Our 6 year old son does not handle it well. We are met with m...

Ryan Mayer using Time Timer Countdown timers in their home

By Ryan Mayer