A good deal of college students, new and returning, will experience a vastly different school experience this year. Some students will be attending classes entirely online, while others will take a mix of in-person and online classes. Very few students, if any, will be in the classroom every day, for every class.
For many students, the temptation to scroll through your phone or open a browser window and watch a television series will be much stronger than it is in the classroom. While studying at home, the Time Timer can help with improving motivation and focus.
Read on for a few suggestions to use the Time Timer in college.
Minimize Technology in Your Workspace
For students who have trouble keeping their head down and hands off the phone while they work, the Time Timer can come in handy. Put your phone on the other side of the room and set the Time Timer for however long you believe you’ll need, or just want to work, on a certain assignment or reading. Instead of tapping the notification-filled screen of your phone to check the time, all you need to do is look up at the Time Timer and see how much red is left.
Set a “Distraction Time”
Like we said, the temptations are going to be strong, so it may help to set the Time Timer for an hour or so to allot yourself some time to relax and scroll through social media or the like. One of the great things about Time Timer is that you can’t argue with it, so when the red is all gone, then that means you’re done. There’s no “five more minutes” to be tolerated when you take the Time Timer seriously.
Make Cooking at Home Easier
Many universities will be adjusting their food options, with some eateries offering takeout only. It may be a great time for you to get more involved in doing your own cooking. When cooking, use the Time Timer to give you an easy visual reminder for how long you need to keep something in the oven or on the stovetop, making cooking much easier, not to mention enjoyable.
Home Exercises
Most students are used to walking quite a bit, and will be doing a lot less of that since getting to class will only require entering a code into Zoom. In addition, gyms will be run differently, and some may be closed. This is the time to get creative with your home workouts. You can use the Time Timer to time yourself with circuits, doing floor planks for a minute, or jumping jacks or sit-ups for a set amount of time.
We hope all returning college students have a great school year despite the circumstances, and that the Time Timer can enhance it by making your life a little easier and more productive.