Five Tools for Parents of Children Who Have Autism

Five Tools for Parents of Children Who Have Autism

When your child is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it can be hard to know where to find tools to help him or her with daily life. A wealth of information is available, particularly online, but where to begin? Here are five tested and true items that can help you help your child.

Sensory Fix Backpack

This backpack is filled with items that can help with sensory overload issues, from fidget bracelets to playdough to chewable jewelry. Designed to provide tools for self regulation, fidgeting and tactile input, oral stimulation and deep pressure, the backpack is a great tool for when you and your child are on the go.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Your child may crave quiet, but the world does not always comply. For those times, try noise-cancelling headphones, which can create an oasis of quiet in the midst of too much noise. Look for child-sized headphones with soft earpieces, for the most comfortable fit.

Weighted Compression Vest

Compression vests can help to gently calm a fidgeting or fretful child, soothing them with pressure that feels like a hug. The vests can be adjusted for more weight, and can even be worn under clothing.

Time Timer

Using a timer can help your child in many ways, from providing structure to making transitions easier. The Time Timer, with its red disk that disappears as time elapses, is particularly good for children with ASD, as it provides a visual representation of time passing. To read more about Time Timer for children with ASD, click here.

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew by Ellen Notbohm

This bestseller, written by the mother of children with ASD, conveys a lot of information about autism in a clear, easy-to-understand way. An excellent resource for parents who wish they could see the world through the eyes of their child with ASD.

With these five tools to get you started, you’ll be on track to discover more resources that fit your child’s particular needs. And remember to look for resources and support for yourself, too—you aren’t alone.

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