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How To Time Audit Your Life: A Year In Review

Posted by Christen Barbercheck on


A new year is a beautiful opportunity to reflect on the past year and consider what you would like to welcome into your life in 2021.  

2020 was unlike any other. More than ever, taking time to reflect on the past year is a helpful process to acknowledge both the challenges and the opportunities that you experienced - making peace with the past and celebrating the moments of light. 

Set aside one hour for your personal year in review and discover your intentions for the year ahead. So, find a quiet space, make a cup of tea, grab a pen and paper, set your Time Timer for 60 minutes, and let’s get started. 


Look Back on the Past Year 

First things first. Have you ever completed a time audit? All this means is simply to begin tracking your time, taking note of everything you do over the course of day or week to learn (a) where your time is going, (b) what you’d like or need more time for, and (c) what you’d like to spend less time on.  

From here, you may begin to see a clearer picture of what’s working for you and what’s not. What would you like to leave behind in the past year? What you’d like to bring with you moving forward? 

Looking past on the past year, what do you notice? If you go back through your calendar or planner, what things did you spend time on that were important, worthwhile, brought you joy or growth? You may ask yourself some or all of the following questions and write down your answers: 

    • What were the lowlights? How can you make peace with the past? 
    • Were there any highlights? Can you celebrate them and make time for more in 2021? 
    • Did you read any good books?  
    • Did you enjoy spending time on certain relationships? 
    • Did you make time for your physical and mental health? For creativity and play?  
    • What did you learn this past year? What things weren’t helpful?  
    • Where were your biggest time wasters? 
    • Is there one word (or maybe a few) that you would use to describe the past year?  


      Look Forward to the Year Ahead  


      Now consider, what word (or words) do you want to use to describe this year when you reach December 31st? What would you like to make more time for? Is there anything you’d like to start doing or stop doing?  

      Once you know where you want to spend your time this year, schedule them in! Put them on your calendar, just as you would for a doctor’s appointment or a school exam. Allot time for these activities, and use your Time Timer to allow you to focus on them, without distractions.  


      Celebrate Where You Are Right Now 

      If you have some big, lofty goals this year, go you! You can meet these goals more effectively (and with less stress!) by breaking them down into smaller, “SMART” goals, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based. Plan to review your goals regularly. It’s helpful to celebrate where you are in the present moment and pat yourself on the back for making daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly progress that improve your life and move you towards your long-term goals. 



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