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9 Ways to Conquer Time in the New Year

Posted by Christen Barbercheck on

A new year often brings with it a desire to turn inward and reflect on where we’ve been and what’s ahead. We know that one of the biggest challenges in daily life is resisting the busyness of today’s world. If you would like to find more space and be less overwhelmed this year, we have a few tips to help you make every moment count, every day.  


Here are 9 ways to conquer time in the new year: 


1. Track your time. Track everything you do over the course of the day - or even better, over an entire week. Where is your time going? Are there things you are doing that you wish to spend less time on, or want more time for?  

2. Write it down. Set the Time Timer for 60 minutes and write down what is important to you to make time for daily, weekly, and monthly. When you look back at the year on December 31st, what do you want to have accomplished or enjoyed? Set a reminder to review your list quarterly.      

3. Take care of yourself. Building good habits for yourself can go a long way in setting you up for a positive day with improved focus. Establish a daily rhythm - wake up and go to bed at the same time each day, and ensure you are making time for sleep, exercise, and eating well. Consider what key habits make a big difference to your health and well-being, and commit to making time for them in your daily life.  

4. Wave goodbye to procrastination. Find a routine that works for you. You may use the Pomodoro Technique, where you focus on work or another task for 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. You can also set time limits on tasks to keep you focused. Allow buffer space between tasks, too. This provides space to finish up a task and for relaxation.  

5. Plan ahead. Take time on Sunday to plan your week. Then, every evening take a few minutes to prepare for the next day. Finally, set aside 15 minutes every morning to review your day ahead. These weekly, evening and morning check-ins help to organize your thoughts and keep you on track with what’s important to you each week. 

6. Use an online calendar. Use a calendar to create time blocks for everything, including your daily routine, work, tasks, events, and relaxation. Don’t forget the last one: relaxation is key in creating a sustainable schedule.  

7. Do one thing at a time. Research has proven that multitasking is a myth. While it may feel super productive, multitasking is actually less effective in our tasks. Single-tasking allows you to focus and concentrate on one thing efficiently.  

8. Batch task. Organize similar tasks together. The less you have to switch gears, the more productive you can be. Schedule times for emails and phone calls, so that you can focus on what matters most the rest of the day.  

9. Limit distractions and interruptions. Turn off notifications on your phone and email. Resist the urge to answer every call and email as they come in, and set aside 2-3 times per day maximum to check on these. Find a quiet space to focus wherever possible, and consider using a classic “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door or over your chair if needed! 


    Introducing these habits into your daily life will help you conquer time and create space for what matters most. Cheers to a happy, healthy new year! 



    Jodie Martin is a freelance writer specializing in health and wellbeing, lifestyle, and parenthood. She is also an E-RYT 500 Registered Yoga Teacher, Ayurveda Yoga Specialist, and Three Wisdom Traditions wellness coach. Jodie lives in Asheville, NC.


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