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Tips for Managing the Holiday Season

Posted by Christen Barbercheck on


The Holiday season can bring about a lot of joy and can be the cause for some fantastic memories. The holiday season can also bring about feelings of stress and rushing to get everything done while making things as magical as possible.  
It takes work to keep the feelings of comparison or inadequacy at bay. We have some tips to share that will help you manage the holiday season and hopefully manage the stress that comes along with it!  

Keep things the same. 

This may sound kind of silly, in the middle of a holiday where plans and schedules are often turned upside down. However, working to keep routines and schedules as close to normal as possible will help prevent inevitable meltdowns that come with being exhausted. 

Work on controlling the feelings of being overwhelmed. 

When faced with a stack of presents to be wrapped or holiday food to prep in advance or even the regular work that needs to be accomplished, it can be tempting to crawl back in bed and forget about it all.  

Instead, why not set a timer for an hour and work on the task at hand. You will be surprised at how much you can accomplish in that amount of time. The Time Timer Mod Home Edition will come in handy to help you stay on task.  


Work ahead when you can.  

Depending on the year, you may find yourself hosting a large group of people in your home for a holiday meal. Trying to pull that off can often be incredibly daunting. So, focus on working ahead and freezing anything that would reheat nicely. Things like casseroles and even some desserts can be made ahead of time, frozen and reheated the day of the event.  

Give back to others.  

The holidays can be a lonely time of year, so giving back to others can be incredibly rewarding. Little gestures like dropping off some treats or bigger gestures like helping an elderly neighbor manage the snow on their driveway or letting them know when they have a package on their porch.  


Take a break when you need it.  

Give yourself permission to take a break from the chaos of the season, even if you’ve worked to control it! Sit back and enjoy the lights, watch a movie or just find some time to be alone.  


No matter what your holiday season looks like or how your traditions may change with the current situation, we wish you nothing but fond memories and new traditions.  



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